Since rye is a tricky grain to work with, we enlisted the help of experienced brewers to produce the mash for our first batch of rye whiskey. Then, gaining experience and confidence with producing our own bourbon mashes, we were finally ready to handle the entire process ourselves.
Batch #1: Our First Rye Whiskey
During the summer of 2018, our friends at Southern Craft Brewing cooked a rye mash for us that we fermented and distilled at our facility. We barreled our spirit in October 2018 and decided it was done aging in the fall of 2019. It was finally bottled in late 2020.
57% alc/vol | aged at least 10 months | 75 bottles produced
Batch #7
We started production in September 2020, still working one day a week, milling and mashing on week 1, and after a week of fermentation, distilling on week 2. By the end of October 2020, we had produced enough spirit to fill a barrel. After aging 19 months, it was emptied in June 2022 and bottled in August 2022.
50% alc/vol | aged at least 19 months | 132 bottles produced
Batch #10
We worked on production in January 2021 and barreled our spirit early February 2021. After aging 20 months, it was emptied in October 2022 and bottled in February 2023. It is our first product offered in 750 mL bottles.
50.5% alc/vol | aged at least 20 months | 72 bottles produced
Batch #13
We worked on production in March 2021 and barreled our spirit at the end of the month. After aging 27 months, it was emptied in June 2023.
49.8% alc/vol | aged at least 27 months | 72 bottles produced
Batch #16
We worked on production in May 2021 and barreled our spirit at the end of the month. After aging over 31 months, it was emptied in December 2023.
48.7% alc/vol | aged at least 31 months | 60 bottles produced
Batch #21 & 22
We worked on production between July and September 2021 and barreled our spirit in October 2021, changing our mash bill by introducing some corn in the mix. After aging over 35 months, they were emptied in September 2024 and bottled in November 2024.
Batch #21 49.2% alc/vol | aged at least 35 months | 36 bottles produced
Batch #22 49.5% alc/vol | aged at least 35 months | 36 bottles produced